August home sales and home prices in Lawndale CA
Average sales price of $660,217
Welcome to the real estate recap for Lawndale in August 2023. It was a fairly typical month with 6 homes closing escrow during the month.
The average “list” price was $636,667 with the average sold price of $660,217 which was considerably lower than July but more in line with where prices in Lawndale usually are.
The average price per foot was $611 and homes averaged an extremely brief 15 days on market before going into escrow.
See how the February real estate market in Lawndale compared with other months on our real estate trends page.

August 2023 Property sales and home prices in Lawndale CA
Home Type | Address | Price | $ Per Sq Ft | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Age | |
CONDO/A | 4633 | Marine AVE #228 | $530,000 | $550.36 | 2/1,1,0,0 | 963/A | 1973/PUB |
CONDO/A | 15111 | Freeman AVE #63 | $655,000 | $486.99 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1345/A | 1985/PUB |
SFR/D | 4341 | 170th St | $562,000 | $697.27 | 2/1,0,0,0 | 806/A | 1944/ASR |
TWNHS/A | 15111 | Freeman AVE #15 | $679,300 | $486.95 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1395/A | 1985/ASR |
TWNHS/A | 4005 W | 165th ST #C | $705,000 | $531.27 | 2/2,0,1,0 | 1327/A | 1994/ASR |
SFR/D | 4575 W | 162nd ST | $830,000 | $914.10 | 2/1,0,0,0 | 908/A | 1948/PUB |