July home sales and home prices in Lawndale CA
Average sales price of $843,196!
After a very slow May with only 3 closed home sales, June was an improvement with 7 sold homes and July was even better. There were 9 homes that sold and closed escrow in Lawndale in July 2023.
The average “list” price was $825,544 with the average sold price of $843,196 which was over $100,000 higher than in June and even higher than May with an average sold price of $677,500!!!
The average price per foot was $574 and homes averaged an extremely brief 15 days on market before going into escrow.
See how the February real estate market in Lawndale compared with other months on our real estate trends page.

July 2023 Property sales and home prices in Lawndale CA
Type | Address | Price | $ Per Foot | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Age | |
SFR/D | 3616 W | 157th ST | $995,000 | $684 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1455/O | 1953/ASR |
TWNHS/A | 4345 W | 154th ST #3 | $579,000 | $481 | 2/2,0,0,0 | 1203/A | 1984/ASR |
SFR/D | 14508 | Burin AVE | $587,760 | $499 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1178/A | 1965/ASR |
SFR/D | 14823 | Burin AVE | $767,000 | $632 | 3/1,1,0,0 | 1214/A | 1968/ASR |
TWNHS/D | 15339 | Avis AVE | $1,130,000 | $413 | 3/4,0,0,0 | 2735/B | 2023/BLD |
TWNHS/D | 15337 | Avis AVE | $1,175,000 | $452 | 3/4,0,0,0 | 2601/B | 2023/BLD |
SFR/D | 4136 W | 169th ST | $750,000 | $845 | 2/1,0,0,0 | 888/A | 1947/ASR |
SFR/D | 4028 W | 162nd ST | $930,000 | $605 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1536/A | 1948/ASR |
SFR/D | 14910 | Grevillea AVE | $675,000 | $556 | 3/1,0,1,0 | 1214/A | 1968/ASR |