August real estate recap
Welcome to the real estate recap for August 2021 in Lawndale CA. It was another incredible month for home sales in Lawndale with 32 on market home sales. The average list price was $736,809 with the average sales price of $768,818 . Homes averaged only 22 days on market before going into escrow.
See how this compares with other months on our Lawndale CA real estate trends and statisics page.
View the current homes for sale in Lawndale CA

August 2021 Home Sales In Lawndale California
Type | Address | Price | $ Per Foot | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Year | Sold Date | |
SFR/D | 15316 | Kornblum AVE | $720,000 | $650.99 | 3/1,0,0,0 | 1106/A | 1951/ASR | 8/3/2021 |
SFR/D | 15206 | Cordary AVE | $820,000 | $589.93 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1390/A | 1951/ASR | 8/31/2021 |
SFR/D | 15232 | Cordary AVE | $877,000 | $577.73 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1518/A | 1951/ASR | 8/3/2021 |
SFR/D | 15522 | Cordary AVE | $890,000 | $735.54 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1210/T | 1952/ASR | 8/26/2021 |
SFR/D | 15603 | Florwood AVE | $965,000 | $758.05 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1273/A | 1952/PUB | 8/20/2021 |
CONDO | 4727 W | 147Th ST #122 | $390,000 | $449.83 | 2/2,0,0,0 | 867/ | 1974 | 8/27/2021 |
CONDO | 14807 | Condon AVE #211 | $510,000 | $543.13 | 2/2,0,0,0 | 939/ | 1975 | 8/4/2021 |
SFR/D | 15008 | Mansel AVE | $835,000 | $440.17 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1897/A | 1984/ASR | 8/18/2021 |
DPLX/D | 4307 W | 160th ST | $730,000 | $423.93 | 5/2,0,0,0 | 1722/SEE | 1961/SEE | 8/16/2021 |
SFR/D | 4561 W | 162nd ST | $770,000 | $605.35 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1272/A | 1954/ASR | 8/5/2021 |
SFR/D | 4722 W | 166th ST | $950,000 | $809.89 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1173/O | 1942/PUB | 8/25/2021 |