September home sales in Lawndale
See all of the homes that sold last month
Take a look at the homes that closed escrow in the South Bay city of Lawndale CA during the month of September 2022.
It was a bit of a down month in terms of both the number of homes that sold as well as sold home prices.
There were 8 on MLS home sales during the month.
The average “list” price was $764,375 with the average sold price of $747,500 which was down considerably from August.
The average price per foot was $499 .
See how the September real estate market in Lawndale compared with other months on our real estate trends page.

September 2022 Property sales and home prices in Lawndale
Type | Address | Price | $ Per foot | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Year | |
SFR/D | 15236 | Yukon AVE | $926,000 | $735 | 3/1,1,0,0 | 1260/A | 1977/ASR |
SFR/D | 15337 | Avis AVE | $525,000 | $337 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1557/A | 1950/PUB |
TWNHS/A | 15723 | Mansel AVE #6 | $645,000 | $550 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1173/A | 1982/PUB |
TWNHS/A | 15111 | Freeman AVE #74 | $660,000 | $491 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1345/P | 1985/PUB |
TWNHS | 4712 W | 149th ST | $812,000 | $411 | 3/3,0,0,0 | 1978/ | 1992 |
TWNHS/A | 4003 W | 165th ST #F | $567,000 | $427 | 2/3,0,0,0 | 1327/A | 1994/ASR |
SFR/D | 4157 W | 163rd ST | $845,000 | $357 | 4/3,0,0,0 | 2368/A | 1950/ASR |
DPLX/D | 4600 | W 169th ST | $1,000,000 | $686 | 4/2,0,1,0 | 1458/P | 1923/PUB |